Liquid Penetrant Testing
Liquid Penetrant Testing
Liquid penetrant testing is used for finding surface breaking discontinuities on smooth, nonporous surfaces. It is based on the properties of capillary action or the action of liquid rising or climbing when confined to a small opening. After the excess penetrant is removed and a developing agent is applied, a skilled inspector will identify any remaining penetrant that can identify a flaw.
Liquid Penetrant Inspection (PT) is conducted primarily on non-ferrous material such as composites, metals, and ceramics, and will identify surface anomalies such as cracks, seams, laminations, blowholes, laps, external bursts, and welding defects
Liquid Penetrant Testing Services:
- Forged Parts
- In-Service Parts
- Turbine Engines
- Weld Inspections
- Fan Blades
- Pressure Bodies
- Valve Components
- Inlet/Outlet Blowers
- Stainless Steel
- Fillet Welds
- Engine Parts
- Heat Treated Parts