Regulations & Guidelines

Regulations, Guidelines & Methods

Which regulation or guideline do you have to meet?
As part of our value added services we provide easy access to some of the most common regulations, guidelines and IH methods. Once you review your desired regulation or guideline, contact us to order your sampling supplies.

Alberta Energy Regulator
Alberta Tier 1 Soil and Groundwater Remediation Guidelines
British Columbia
British Columbia Contaminated Sites Regulation, BC Reg 375/96
British Columbia Water Quality Guidelines
Consolidated Regulations of Manitoba
Manitoba Contaminated Sites
Manitoba Drinking Water Safety Act
Manitoba Drinking Water Safety Regulation
Manitoba Drinking Water Quality Standards Regulation
Manitoba Environment Act
Manitoba Groundwater and Well Water Act
Manitoba Recreational Water Safety
Manitoba Waste Management
Atlantic (New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland)
Atlantic Risk Based Corrective Action (RBCA)
Halifax Water Regulations
New Brunswick Drinking Water Guidelines
Newfoundland and Labrador Regulation 65/03 - Environmental Control Water and Sewage Regulations
Newfoundland Treated Wood Regulation
Nova Scotia Contaminated Sites Regulations
Nova Scotia Guidelines for Monitoring Public Drinking Water Supplies
Nova Scotia Used Oil Regulations
O. Reg 153/04: Records of Site Condition
O. Reg. 169/03: Ontario Drinking Water Quality Standards
O. Reg. 173/03: Drinking Water Systems
O. Reg 243/07: Schools, Private Schools and Child Care Centres
O. Reg 319/08: Small Drinking Water Systems
O. Reg 406/19: Handling Excess Soil
O. Reg. 419/05: Air Pollution - Local Air Quality
O. Reg 558/00: General - Waste Management
Ontario - A Guide to Using the Approved Model When Submitting a Modified Generic Risk Assessment
Ontario Drinking Water Standards, Objectives and Guidelines (ODWS)
Ontario Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks
Ontario Protocol for the Sampling and Analysis of Industrial/Municipal Wastewater
Ontario Provincial Water Quality Objectives (PWQO)
Ontario Rules on Air Quality and Pollution
R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 833: Control of Exposure to Biological or Chemical Agents
Metal and Diamond Mining Environmental Regulations (MDMER)
Publications Quebec - Regulation respecting the quality of drinking water
Quebec - Directive 019 on the mining industry
Quebec - Guide for recovering non-hazardous inorganic residual materials from industrial sources as construction material

Quebec - Hazardous Materials

Quebec - Land characterization guide

Quebec - Law on the Quality of the Environment

Quebec - Lead in Potable Water

Quebec - Model Regulation Relating to Discharges in Sewage Systems

Quebec - Municipal Wastewater Systems Regulation

Quebec - Regulation Respecting the Quality of Drinking Water

Quebec - Summary of the Main Obligations of the Regulation Respecting the Quality of Drinking Water
Sampling for environmental analyses
Federal Canada
Canadian Council for the Ministers of the Environment (CCME) - Canadian Environmental Quality Guidelines
Canadian Drinking Water Guidelines
Canadian Drinking Water Guidelines Summary Table
CCME Guidance Manual for Environmental Site Characterization in Support of Environmental and Human Health Risk Assessment, Volume 4, Analytical Methods
Guidelines for Canadian Recreational Water Quality - Third Edition
United States
Interstate Technology Regulations Council - Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances
US EPA Overview of the Clean Air Act and Air Pollution
US EPA's National PFAS Testing Strategy

EPA Air Toxics - Monitoring Methods

NIOSH Manual of Analytical Methods (NMAM) 5th Edition

OSHA Index of Sampling and Analytical Methods

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