
Laser Ablation ICP-MS Analysis for Lithogeochemistry and Mineral Specific Chemistry

Jan. 4 2021

Bureau Veritas' Laser Ablation ICP-MS analysis is designed to meet a broad range of analytical requirements with a single cost effective method. Lithogeochemistry Mode LA-ICP-MS capitilises on our high productivity robotic fusion technology with state of the art laser ablation and ICP-MS instruments to provide a fully extracted quantitative analysis for all elements. Detection limits are comparable to industry-leading mixed acid trace element ICP-MS packages.

LA-ICP-MS Benefits

  • Total analysis at trace and ultra trace detection limits equivalent to mixed acid ICP-MS packages.
  • Simplifies the analysis process to a single, cost effective fusion.
  • XRF and ICP-MS capabilities can be combined to extend the dynamic range in one analysis (eg. U from 10ppb to % level.
  • Minimizes hazards and waste due to elimination of corrosive acids.
  • Spot analyses can be conducted on select mineral grains for full chemical analysis or over a given area to provide quantitative false color element maps. Grain mount or thin section options are available.
Laser Ablation Technology

Mineral Specific Chemistry Mode

Traditional multi element lithogeochemistry analysis packages require a number of different digestion methods and instruments in order to achieve optimum results.

Multi Element Lithogeochemistry Analysis

Alternatively, when XRF is included with LA-ICP-MS into a combined package, only a single Li-borate fusion is digestion is required. This method will provide major elements from XRF, trace and minor elements from LA-ICP-MS.


Table 1: Elements Available (Detection limits in ppm)

Al (100) As (10) Ba (10) Ca (100) Cr (10) Cu (10) Fe (100)
K (100) Mg (100) Mn (10) Na** (100) Ni (10) P (10) Pb (10)
S (10) Si (100) Ti (100) U (10) W (10) Y (10) Zn (10)
Zr (10)            

** may not be available for some sample types 

Ag (0.1) As (0.2) Ba (0.5) Be (0.2) Bi (0.02) Br (10) Cd (0.1)
Ce (0.02) Co (0.1) Cr (1) Cs (0.01) Cu (2) Dy (0.01) Er (0.01)
Eu (0.01) Ga (0.1) Gd (0.01) Hf (0.01) Ho (0.01) In (0.05) La (0.01)
Lu (0.01) Mn (1) Mo (0.2) Nb (0.01) Nd (0.01) Ni (2) Pb (1)
Pr (0.01) Rb (0.05) Re (0.01) Sb (0.1) Sc (0.1) Se (5*) Sm (0.01)
Sn (0.2) Sr (0.1) Ta (0.01) Tb (0.01) Te (0.2) Th (0.01) Ti (1)
Tl (0.2) Tm (0.01) U (0.01) V (0.1) W (0.05) Y (0.02) Yb (0.01)
Zn (5) Zr (0.5)          

* partially volatilized