HUD Multifamily

HUD Multifamily Accelerated Processing (MAP) Guide

Sep. 19 2019 - Kimble Fife

In January 2016 the HUD Multifamily Accelerated Processing (MAP) Guide was revamped with a refocus on HUD's dedication to affordable housing and energy reduction

HUD Multifamily

Our HUD team works closely with Lenders to provide Phase I ESAs with 4128 forms, Capital Needs Assessments (CNAs), and Architectural Engineering and Cost Reviews per the MAP Guides for HUD Approved Lenders.

The recent revisions to the HUD MAP Guide impact certain requirements and studies that must be performed during the due diligence phase. Revised guidelines from the 2016 HUD MAP Guide, for which we provide expertise, include:

Download the revised HUD MAP Guide

Table of contents