Électrification de la flotte de véhicules
Bureau Veritas est votre chef de file en matière d’électrification des flottes. Les services de Bureau Veritas sont conçus en fonction des innovations en matière de batteries, des solutions énergétiques et de la réglementation gouvernementale de la pollution des transports. Bureau Veritas est là pour vous proposer des solutions.
Laissez BV vous aider à déployer votre programme d’électrification de manière plus efficace au fur et à mesure que l’innovation avance dans ce secteur. L’électrification des flottes se concentre sur les véhicules utilitaires légers et les véhicules de livraison, les flottes municipales, les flottes d’autobus, les flottes de voitures de location, et bien plus encore.
En tant que partenaire stratégique privilégié des déploiements des stations de recharge de véhicules électriques, nous pouvons vous aider à mettre en œuvre l’électrification de votre flotte. De la planification et de la conception du site à l’inspection d’entretien de routine, l’équipe de BV, la meilleure dans le secteur, est là pour vous aider.
Validation du site
Site identification and validation based on requirements, research, and demographics. Provide concept plan for evaluation. BV knows careful consideration of physical space and power supply is critical.
Provide proposed layout and specification to the landowner for approval. Determine types of chargers to be installed on-site (Level I, Level 2, DCFC). It’s important to consider growth over 5-10 years (and longer)to anticipate power capacity for a facility.
Coordination des services publics et diligence raisonnable
Utility Coordination & Due Diligence
Confirm civil, electrical, permit, and plan check requirements. Discuss with local municipality about grading, parking configuration, lighting, ADA, security, and site power issues. Determine charging loads and power delivery. Determine micro-grid technology if applicable. Due diligence with local governing agencies and utilities to determine process and application requirements.
Conception, examen de la conception et ingénierie
Design, Design Review & Engineering
Develop construction documents (Civil, Architectural, Structural, and Electrical). Plans and specifications are based on customer, property owners, EVC manufacturer, AHJ's, and local utility company. Create scope of work that meets specifications and bid to multiple contractors. Review bids with client and award based on best value.
Gestion de projets de construction
Construction Project Management
Coordinate project stakeholders including designers, contractors, property owners, AHJ's, and utilities. Provide site visits, construction management, and QA/QC.
Create scope of work that meets specifications and bid to multiple contractors. Review bids with client and award based on best value.
Mise en service et clôture
Create punch list, manage completion of project, and recommend payment/retainage release. Perform M&V as part of Commissioning process upon energization to confirm operability is per specifications
Installations clés en main
BV offers Turnkey construction and installation for your EV project. Our solutions drastically simplify EV projects for all types of EV owner.
Marche de garantie
Once your project is near completion, we will walk through the project sites with you to help you learn about maintenance and upkeep responsibilities that are very important to the lifecycle of your EV Charging facility.
Services après installation et mise en service
Once your site is close to completion, BV will complete a Go-Back Program where we'll ensure your equipment is running well, that equipment is explained; we'll go over each detail until you're comfortable and understand warranty and post-warranty and regular maintenance details.
Tests et vérification
BV Is here to that your EV Charging stations can pass all testing and verification to ensure the continued adoption of electric vehicles, a seamless charging experience with any vehicle and supply equipment is important. For this reason, strict standard conformance is at the core to achieve seamless interoperability of Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE), vehicles, and back-office systems.
Inspections d’entretien de routine
Once installed, BV facilitates a digitized maintenance program that includes planned and preventative monitoring and routine corrective, cost-saving procedures.
Téléchargez notre brochure sur l’électrification des flottes de véhicules
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