International Shipping (GSIT)

Commerce International (GSIT)

Votre entreprise fait du commerce international, et nos Services aux gouvernements et commerce international (GSIT) visent à réduire les risques encourus. Le commerce international est de plus en plus complexe en raison de l’évolution rapide des réglementations imposées par les différents pays, les gouvernements et les tiers. Qu’ils achètent ou vendent au niveau national ou international, les commerçants (y compris les producteurs, les exportateurs, les importateurs, les banques et les compagnies d’assurance), les organismes gouvernementaux et les organisations internationales doivent être protégés lors du transfert de propriété.

Par l’intermédiaire de notre division Services aux gouvernements et commerce international, nous sommes l’un des principaux fournisseurs de services de contrôle et d’inspection des importations, effectuant des tâches telles que l’inspection des marchandises avant et après expédition dans divers domaines. Le programme de vérification de la conformité contribuera à améliorer la sécurité et la qualité des produits, la protection des consommateurs et de l’environnement, et la facilitation des échanges lors de l’expédition de marchandises.

Nous mettons également en œuvre et exploitons des guichets uniques de facilitation des échanges qui automatisent, optimisent et sécurisent les processus commerciaux des acteurs publics et privés conformément aux recommandations des Nations unies et de l’Organisation mondiale des douanes.

Some of our services include:

  • Public  Authority Outsourcing
  • PSI (Pre Shipment Inspection - Government and Voluntary)
  • Verification of Conformity (VOC)
  • Single Window
  • Monitoring of transport vehicles
  • Customs Classification Code Services
  • General Trade
  • Network audit
  • Automotive Services
  • Supply Chain Security Services
  • Authorized Economic Operator Assessment & Assistance (AEO)




    env protection

    Cities facing issues surrounding trash collection.

    Residents are tired of garbage days being skipped as trash has lined their streets. Waste management plan for community is rolled out.

    Problems with trash pickup service where residents go a week, or a week and a half without trash pickup. No one returns calls when one inquires. No refunds.



    nursing home

    Failure to properly regulate nursing homes, considered an overhaul of its inspection program that advocates say will further erode the agency’s oversight.

    Under the draft plan, inspectors visit the state's 1,100 nursing homes a few times each month to advise, educate and offer technical assistance to improve their standard of care.

    Nursing homes have been cited 83 times for putting their older adult residents at risk of immediate danger. More than half of the serious violations involved staff shortages or insufficient training. 




    More than 14,000 licensed childcare facilities across the US are behind on receiving their state-mandated inspections.

    Some states, haven't inspected many of its facilities since before the pandemic.

    It is calculated that roughly 43% of inspections tend to find compliance issues.

    School district complaints over building conditions that at times border on dangerous: Teachers rallied for hazardous conditions to be immediately remedied, including mold, leaky ceilings, rodents and faulty HVAC systems.



    health-food safety

    Of the roughly 18,000 “high-risk” food facilities that should have been inspected three times last year, fewer than 2% were. Roughly three in 10 — 5,365 —weren’t inspected at all. High vacancy rates and mismanagement have put an untenable strain on the health inspection, leading to rushed, subpar inspections.

Bureau Veritas- Government Services & International Trade (en anglais seulement)